migratory birds

Mono Lake State Natural Reserve

Mono Lake State Natural Reserve, situated in California, is recognized for its unique ecological features. The reserve encompasses Mono Lake, a high-salinity body of water, renowned for the presence of tufa towers—limestone formations resulting from the interaction between freshwater springs and alkaline lake water.

One of the reserve's ecological highlights is its role as a vital habitat for migratory birds. During migration seasons, Mono Lake becomes a crucial stopover for thousands of birds, including California gulls and eared grebes. Mono Lake State Natural Reserve is managed with a focus on preserving its unique geological and ecological features.

An Oasis Full of Birds

Fortynine Palms Oasis in Joshua Tree National Park, which I featured in my last blog post, is a rare and special place where desert wildlife unexpectedly thrives. One of the highlights of the oasis is the diverse range of bird species that call it home. Some of the most common include the Cactus Wren, which is known for its distinctive cactus-like nest, and the Black-throated Sparrow, which is often heard before it is seen due to its melodious song. I was also incredibly lucky to spot a kestrel amongst the fronds of the Californian fan palms, but didn’t get a good enough shot!